alexa flashing white ring

Wondering, why is your Amazon Echo Spinning White? This article is going to help you understand what does white ring on Echo mean and how you can disable it.

There is no doubt that Alexa is one of the best voice enabled virtual assistants that makes us control many of our home automation work easily.

I am using Alexa to control almost everything from lights to microwave oven, all using my voice command. During this, I came across Alexa White Ring and was too surprised and wanted to know what does it mean exactly.

Why is My Alexa Spinning White Ring?

There could be two reasons for your Alexa flashing white Ring.

  1. The first one is you are trying to increase or decrease volume through buttons or through any connected App.
  2. The second one is the Guard Mode is enabled on your Alexa App and it is set to Away Mode.

But before we take more about the flashing white light and how to solve this issue using some simple steps. I want to clarify that when we say Alexa it means an AI and we need Amazon Echo to use this.

Now, the first thing that you must be thinking that what is Guard Mode and What does this mean?

Why is Alexa Showing Constant White Ring?

While you may not have experienced this before, it is possible that even after unplugging your device and leaving it in isolation for days, you will find a constant white ring on your Echo device.

This is certainly not an issue. You probably have left “Guard Mode On” on your Alexa device.

To fix this issue, just say

Alexa, “Turn Off the Guard Mode”.

Once you say this, Alexa will confirm whether you are at home or not and the white ring on your Echo will go away.

What is Guard Mode on Alexa?

Guard mode is a new feature introduced with your Alexa smart speakers to keep you notified with your Home Security.

If you have enabled Guard Mode on your Alexa device, you get real time notification if someone breaks into your house or if any of your connected device (in my situation my oven) catches fire. The smoke alarm gets triggered in seconds and you would know what’s going on in your house.

The Guard Mode makes Alexa listen to all the surroundings noise and notify when there is any noise meant for emergency.

How Does Guard Mode Work?

All Echo devices come with far-field microphones that can listen to your voice even from distance.

If you are using Echo devices, your Alexa can listen to you even in crowded places and recognize your voice and work on your voice commands.

If your children are playing music in other room at high volume, you can lower it down from your place. Thanks to Alexa, it certainly help me a lot.

How To Enable Guard Mode?

To enable Guard Mode on your Alexa device, Open Alexa App on your iOS or Android.

  • Enable Guard Mode through App.
  • Say, Alexa, “I am leaving home”.
  • Guard Mode will be enabled and you will get the notifications by Alexa spinning white light whenever Alexa listens any Glass break or alarm sound.

You should always enable Guard mode on your Echo whenever you are going away from your home.

How To Disable Guard Mode?

Disabling Guard mode is as simple as enabling Guard mode. Make sure to disable it when you are at your home.

  • Open Alexa App > Disable Guard Mode.


  • Simply say, Alexa, “I am home”.

This will notify Alexa to disable the Guard Mode and the white spinning light on your Alexa will stop flashing.

What  if  Someone Breaks Glass or an alarm sounds?

Whenever Alexa detects any unusual sound, it notifies you. It can also send you the recorded sound.

If you are using Echo show, you can even Drop-in and see what’s going inside your house.

If you are using Ring Security system connected to your Alexa, it will notify the Ring security provider of the situation. You security provider can then inform the local law enforcement and take the necessary step.

Final Thoughts

The white light on Ring can be due to enabled Guard Feature. The Guard feature is a recent update to the Alexa devices and can be integrated with ADT, Ring and Scout alarm.

So, there are only situations when you can see white light ring on your Alexa, the first one is when Guard feature is enabled and the other one is when you are increasing or decreasing the volume either through the device button or any connected App.

However, if your Alexa is showing purple light and you don’t know how to disable it and what does purple light mean, you can check this post to solve purple light ring on Alexa.


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