If your ADT alarm system needs to be reset, there are a few ways that you will be able to accomplish this. It will be dependent on the situation that you are in.

You can easily reset ADT alarm system by disconnecting the battery backup, unplugging the transformer from the wall outlet. Put the transformer and battery back and power on the alarm system.

How to turn off beeping sound on ADT alarm?

If the alarm system has been triggered, then you have a couple of options available to you.

  • The first option is to use the pin code that you received when you had the alarm system installed. This code will normally be 4 numbers, although some ADT systems have slightly longer codes.
  • Once you have entered the code and confirmed it, the alarm system should stop. If it doesn’t, then you have likely entered an incorrect code. You only have a limited number of chances to input the correct code.
  • If you do not have the pin code, then you will have to wait for ADT to contact you via your supplied telephone number. This should take no more than 3-5 minutes.
  • When ADT contacts you, you will be asked to give your password. Once you have handed them the password, they will be able to give you the code that you need to reset the ADT alarm system.
  • If you cannot supply the pin number or password, then ADT may send police officers to your house to deal with the problem.

Obviously, this isn’t a bad thing. The whole point in having an alarm system is to have your house protected, right?

ADT will deal with the alarm reset should the police have to be sent to the property.

How to turn off my ADT alarm system?

If you are unable to switch off the alarm system yourself because you do not have the pin code, then you can turn off the system at the source’.

When you switch it back on, the system will be reset.

However, you will still be without the pin code and you will need to contact ADT for that.

To switch off the system, you will have to disconnect the alarm power in two places:

  • At the backup power box.
  • At the circuit breaker.

How to reset my ADT alarm system?

Your first job will be to remove the battery from the backup power box. When you have the ADT alarm system installed, you will likely be told exactly where this box is located.

If not, you can follow the cables from the alarm system to the box. It will likely be somewhere near your circuit breaker.

Inside of this box will be a battery. Disconnect the battery from inside the box. This will not turn the alarm off if it is still buzzing.

It is important that you remove the battery, though. If you don’t, then the next step will not work.

The next step is to head on over to the circuit breaker. You will need to find the switch that is connected up to the alarm system.

Once you flick this switch, the system should completely shut down and the alarm sounds will stop. This is assuming that you have removed the battery.

Most people suggest that you leave the alarm turned off for 5-10 minutes. You can then switch everything back on.

In nearly all cases, the system will have completely reset and the alarm sounds would have stopped.

However, there is still a chance that ADT would have sent somebody to your home to deal with the situation.

Use Instruction Manual

If you are looking to reset the alarm code, then you will need to consult the instruction manual for your alarm system.

ADT uses several dozen systems for their alarms, and thus the process is going to be different for each of them.

You do have to remember that if you want to reset the code i.e. make a new one, then you will need to have access to the old alarm code.

If you do not have that, you cannot make a new code on the ADT alarm. 

You cannot contact ADT and ask for a new code. They only give you your old alarm code, if you know your password and the alarm has been triggered.

Contact ADT

If you cannot reset things yourself, then your only choice is to contact ADT.

ADT will be able to send an installer to your property where they will be able to completely reset the system.

This is not something that you will be able to do yourself because only the installer will have access to the installer code required to reset the system properly. 

Once the system has been reset, ADT will give you a new code for the alarm system.

In the future, you can use this whenever the system is going off. It means that you do not have to go through the rigmarole of disconnecting it from the power or having ADT get in touch with you.

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